Is Microsoft Vista "Sexy"?

If you know me, you know that I hate the term “Sexy” when used to refer to anything other than people, clothing, or actions. My wife is sexy, a Bikini can be sexy, A dance can be sexy… But a car? an iPod? a Phone? a COMPUTER PROGRAM?!? Let me tell you something, kiddo: If I don’t pop a woody, honey, it ain’t sexy. And if you’re pitching a tent over the next Release Candidate, you got some serious issues.

That doesn’t stop the world’s various marketing departments. from trying to use sex to sell anything! stuff! I mean, just look at this ad from Microsoft:

You know you want me....

“Oh, but she’s a Professional! Look, she has a COLLAR!” If the suggestive look on her face doesn’t give it away, then maybe the NOT-SO-SUBLIMINAL OPEN-COLLAR GRAPHIC framing the “Get Windows Vista Now!” might convince you! Why don’t they just come right out and say it:


Editor’s Note: Later that evening our CD of a Beta version disappeared… We don’t know where Tung gets off.

Categorized as Rants

By tungsai

Super Magic Dragon Ninja

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