Older how-to’s were inadequate. Microsoft made me watch a 25 minute video. I have boiled it down to these basic steps.
- First, examine the spreadsheet itself. Ensure the following:
– The first row consists of headers (labels) for each column.
-No blank rows or columns exist.
-Ensure that each column of data is the same format (Number, Date, Text, currency, etc.)
-Then format the range of cells you want to import as a table. - Ensure that you have privileges to create lists.
- Click on Site Actions > More Options. Under “Filter By” on the left menu, click “List”. Scroll down & find “Import Spreadsheet” icon in the big middle menu pane, then click Create.
- Type a Name, and Description.
- Click “Browse…”, browse to the file, select it, then click “Import”.
- Excel opens, you may see it blinking in the task bar. select it, and you see the “Import to Windows SharePoint Services List”.
- for “Range Type”, leave as “Table Range”.
- In the drop-down for “Select Range”, and you should see the “sheet 1 table 1” that you created before. Click Import.
To see the entire video, http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/sharepoint-server-help/sharepoint-lists-iii-create-a-list-based-on-a-spreadsheet-RZ101874356.aspx?section=4