yeah I had to call an electrician to my house because our main breaker kept tripping all the time. It started to get worse & worse; yesterday it tripped three times while the wifey was doing laundry.
So what was the problem? Loose wires. basically the mains, and 98% of the wires in the circuit breaker, were loose. Now, the mains are a problem because they are BIG and when they start arcing, even a little, it gets HOT FAST. That’s essentially what was happening, is that the big bolts that tighten down the main big wires that bring electricity into my house, were so loosely screwed down, that they were getting loose. and the electricity did not have enough conductive material to carry the load; and thus it got hotter & hotter.
But it’s fixed now, and the total damage was $73, which I guess isn’t too bad considering that the whole house could’ve burned down, or that we also initially thought the problem was the dryer.