Mia Update

Hi everybody, man, it has been a while since I have sent out a Mia Update!! Babies grow up so FAST in these first few weeks, and we’ve been so busy, that I’m sure I’ll forget something. But let me try to get the highlights: The other day, I suddenly noticed that her eyes had… Continue reading Mia Update

The Car is PAID OFF!!!

Friday we got paid, and after making MANY extra payments, the Scion Xb is 100% PAID OFF!!! The next car we buy will be paid for in CASH. YES SIR!

What I do all night

Hmm, let me try to give an idea… OK, the baby sleeps in a bassinet by the foot of our bed. When she gets hungry, she starts waking up, whining, and moving her head around and opening & closing her mouth, working her lips, windmilling her arms, etc. This is called “Rooting” and it means… Continue reading What I do all night

Day Something or Another

Hello! I think it’s Wednesday, Feb. 13th. I just woke up at about 2 p.m. Last night I partied with Mia from 1 am till about 4:30! Yeah, that’s Cry Time! She is now nine days old, same as peas porridge in the pot. It has become evident that she really does get into that… Continue reading Day Something or Another

Day 3… or is it Day 4?

Just woke up from my sleep shift, 8:30am till 1:30 PD visit at 2:40 baby is well, hard to tell what her routine is yet; but it seems she likes to be up at NIGHT and sleep at DAY… sigh… somehow I ended up with the night shift and Hongmei’s mom got the day shift!… Continue reading Day 3… or is it Day 4?