
Whew! Where do I begin? The baby is only, what, Three days old now, and I already have so much to say. Honestly there are a lot of cliches associated with the birth of a child, such as, “It’s a life-changing event”, and such things. All I know is, I will never forget that vision… Continue reading Fatherhood

Saliar.com: Malware group, or something else?

OK, so, here’s an update on the strange pop-ups. When googling these problems, the immediate response was no hits. Then, suddenly, this blog appeared; as well as multiple hits from a company called “Saliar.com”. They claim to be a big important professional organization with some anti-malware software, complete with testimonials from such individuals as “Alferd”,… Continue reading Saliar.com: Malware group, or something else?

Correction: There IS a legitimate process called "System".

Oh well! *Blush* However, I have used the following tools to try and discover what is launching these pop-ups, and, near as I can tell, explorer.exe itself is launching them. –Spybot Search & Destroy –McAfee VirusScan –AdAware 2007 –Filemon (SysInternals) –Procmon (Sysinternals) –ProcXP (VERY cool util, thanks Ryan) (Sysinternals)

Categorized as Windows

The Plot Thickens… WINSYSLDR.EXE and "Critical Error Occured"

I am convinced that some viral / spyware is knocking on my door. This morning, Monday, January 28th, 2008, I came in to my office and my machine had been logged in all weekend (Locked, of course). Well, well, well, what did we have here: TWO instances of “WINSYSLDR.EXE” on my desktop. Sigh. Well, at… Continue reading The Plot Thickens… WINSYSLDR.EXE and "Critical Error Occured"

Strange Windows Pop-up

Today my XP machine popped up with the following dialogue box:     WINSYSLDR.EXE Unhandled exception in WINSYSLDR.EXE (0xCD003592) Division by zero.   Not knowing if it was a malicious thing, i.e., a fake pop-up box where if you click “OK” you’re actually launching some evil virus, I Googled WINSYSLDR.EXE. and got…   NOTHING. Yes,… Continue reading Strange Windows Pop-up

Categorized as Windows

Super crazy

stuff has been super crazy busy. I got a crown on one tooth which amounted to about $800 in dental fees and a bonus root canal, as shown earlier. Now I have some crazy thing with my eye. about 2 weeks ago, I was just trying to get an eyelash out of my eye, and… Continue reading Super crazy