Whew! Where do I begin? The baby is only, what, Three days old now, and I already have so much to say. Honestly there are a lot of cliches associated with the birth of a child, such as, “It’s a life-changing event”, and such things. All I know is, I will never forget that vision… Continue reading Fatherhood
odsca.dll malware update – day 5
Yesterday I finalized my “Forensic Analysis” of the unknown malware that my work PC had contracted. I sent the results to McAfee, and was given instructions on how to provide them with the actual files. I did this, and I got an immediate response from an automated system that indicated complete ignorance of any known… Continue reading odsca.dll malware update – day 5
Saliar.com: Malware group, or something else?
OK, so, here’s an update on the strange pop-ups. When googling these problems, the immediate response was no hits. Then, suddenly, this blog appeared; as well as multiple hits from a company called “Saliar.com”. They claim to be a big important professional organization with some anti-malware software, complete with testimonials from such individuals as “Alferd”,… Continue reading Saliar.com: Malware group, or something else?
Reboot caused new, lamer message to appear
The saga of my unknown malware continues. I tried that RunAnalyzer, and it was just so much information that I had no idea what was legitimate and what wasn’t. Sorry, but I don’t have hours to parse through all that information. I will say that it is very interesting though. So, I rebooted, to see… Continue reading Reboot caused new, lamer message to appear
Possible Malicious Infection – Day 3
So, I log on, boot up, and two pop-ups appear on my desktop. The first one is UltraMon.exe crashing. Probably / Maybe legitimate; Ultramon is the program I use to control my Awesome Triple Monitor setup. But the Other, Oh, the OTHER message…. Well, have a look: SysFader: IE7XPLORER.EXE – Application Fatal Error The… Continue reading Possible Malicious Infection – Day 3
Correction: There IS a legitimate process called "System".
Oh well! *Blush* However, I have used the following tools to try and discover what is launching these pop-ups, and, near as I can tell, explorer.exe itself is launching them. –Spybot Search & Destroy –McAfee VirusScan –AdAware 2007 –Filemon (SysInternals) –Procmon (Sysinternals) –ProcXP (VERY cool util, thanks Ryan) (Sysinternals)
The Plot Thickens… WINSYSLDR.EXE and "Critical Error Occured"
I am convinced that some viral / spyware is knocking on my door. This morning, Monday, January 28th, 2008, I came in to my office and my machine had been logged in all weekend (Locked, of course). Well, well, well, what did we have here: TWO instances of “WINSYSLDR.EXE” on my desktop. Sigh. Well, at… Continue reading The Plot Thickens… WINSYSLDR.EXE and "Critical Error Occured"
Strange Windows Pop-up
Today my XP machine popped up with the following dialogue box: WINSYSLDR.EXE Unhandled exception in WINSYSLDR.EXE (0xCD003592) Division by zero. Not knowing if it was a malicious thing, i.e., a fake pop-up box where if you click “OK” you’re actually launching some evil virus, I Googled WINSYSLDR.EXE. and got… NOTHING. Yes,… Continue reading Strange Windows Pop-up
Google has StreetViewed Indy & Lafayette
What does that mean? Well, they hired some company to drive around and take pictures of every building on the street in many major cities. Sorta Creepy, eh? Creepy, but for Voyeurs like me, “Awesome”. So without further ado, let’s take a little tour of Lafayette. Purdue Campus View Larger Map The… Continue reading Google has StreetViewed Indy & Lafayette
Super crazy
stuff has been super crazy busy. I got a crown on one tooth which amounted to about $800 in dental fees and a bonus root canal, as shown earlier. Now I have some crazy thing with my eye. about 2 weeks ago, I was just trying to get an eyelash out of my eye, and… Continue reading Super crazy