100 things challenge

this one guy named Dave put forth a challenge to himself: To only live with 100 material objects for a year. The point is that we have too much stuff. I learned that we have more stuff than I need. I can’t whittle it down to 100 things, but I wonder: If I were to… Continue reading 100 things challenge


Before I went to bed, I watched an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation. In my dream, I was at some university. A large gathering of students was gearing up to have some sort of bicycle protest. But Picard and I had been detained by some individuals, and were being held down in some… Continue reading Dream

Life Update

Hongmei has officially moved to UIUC in Champaign/Urbana. We are renting a condo there. Mia’s going to a day care that is a five minute walk from the condo. All our stuff was moved last week, and her job paid for it. Our house is in the process of being sold. Tentative closing date is… Continue reading Life Update

Life Update

Time to update the blog. I got a phone interview from a job I applied for in UIUC. A windows admin position. Keep your fingers crossed. Yes, it keeps me in academia, but I just don’t seem to have the momentum to springboard my house, my baby, AND my job all at the same time.… Continue reading Life Update

Categorized as Home Life

Condo Pics

Well, we signed a lease on a condo in Urbana / Champaign. May 20 is the magic start day of the lease; though her job doesn’t start till June 16. I suppose we may have jumped the gun, but honestly every other place we were looking at was just not nearly as good as this… Continue reading Condo Pics

Categorized as Home Life

Baby Firsts

Each day a new milestone occurs. Yesterday we played "Stand up", where she stood on Daddy’s tummy and I’d help her stand up whenever she pushed off with her legs. she seemed to enjoy this game, so I’ll play it more with her so she can exercise those little legs more! Of course she can’t… Continue reading Baby Firsts

Categorized as Baby News


Yesterday there was a FIRE in the building I work in! Around 3pm, my co-worker Matt and I heard a beeping noise. We thought it was a computer, but I got up & walked around and realized it was coming from the hallway. Soooo, we did the begrudging, cynical exit of the office, and the… Continue reading FIRE!!!